Dec 17, 2020
Excited to have Julianna Curtis back to talk about all the hard things. You know, family, marriage, balance, business, anxiety, etc.
Follow Julianna here @the_energy_barre and @julianna_theenergybarre.
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Dec 14, 2020
We are so excited to have Julianna Curtis on the podcast. How to navigate family, kids, and The Energy Barre - currently a four-studio operation North of Boston with a budding virtual studio via Vimeo.
About Julianna
What started as a small side gig has blossomed into so much more over the course of five years and I...
Nov 30, 2020
We were so impressed with Deb Colameta that we had to have her back on to talk business.
Nov 30, 2020